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United States Air Force (USAF)

AFRL, NIST, and NSF Announce Materials Science and Engineering Data Challenge Awardees

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), in partnership with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), have announced the winners of the Materials Science and Engineering Data Challenge.

Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative: Managing the Mosaic of Microstructure

The ability to digitally design materials with microstructures optimized to achieve desired properties, is one of the long term goals of the materials field. Simulation-based materials design has the potential to dramatically reduce the need for expensive down-stream characterization and testing. However, this requires reliable algorithms and methodologies that incorporate variability and uncertainty in the design process, and are validated against physics-based models and experiments.

Innovation in High Energy Diffraction Microscopy Adds New Insights to Material Deformation and Failure

A team of researchers from the Air Force Research Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University, Petra III (Germany), PulseRay, and Cornell University have developed a revolutionary experimental capability using high energy synchrotron x-ray techniques to non-destructively measure the internal structure and micro-mechanical state of deforming polycrystalline solids.